Wednesday 28 June 2017

Advanced Analytics

Fight Click Fraud With Advanced Analytics

We fight click fraud with advanced analytics software. What is this and why should you care about trying to fix the issue? That’s what you’re going to find out here so you don’t waste money on clicks that come from scammers or people that are competing with you.Click-fraud

Click fraud is when competitors or others click your ads multiple times on purpose so it costs you money. This is fraud because it’s costing you quite a bit of money. Think about what would happen if you were spending 20% of your PPC ad budget on the fraud? You could re-allocate that money to your ad campaign if you could just block people that are doing this to you. Sometimes it’s someone that set up software to do multiple clicks. Either way, watching your site through analytics can show you what is going on and if fraud is happening.

We use software options that keep track of what is going on with your website. This software tracks the IPs of people that are clicking on your ads. We can then block or redirect clicks after a certain IP clicks on your PPC ads more than a couple of times in a certain time period.

You can not rely on the PPC ad service you’re using to block bad traffic. Click fraud is costly if you don’t pay attention to it. That’s why it’s such a good idea to fight click fraud with analytics. There are tons of people online at any given time so there is never any telling what kind of people will try this with your ads.



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