Saturday 30 December 2017

Scottsdale Rhinoplasty Nose Job Surgery

Scottsdale Rhinoplasty

Get information on Scottsdale rhinoplasty cost or Nose Job Surgery in Scottsdale AZ. Cosmetic Surgery is an important decision, make sure to get all your questions answered with an initial consultation. Be sure to ask about the risks, recovery time, and procedure options.

The Benefits of Rhinoplasty

The size and shape of your nose can determine the symmetry of your entire face. An unproportioned nose can be heredity, a birth defect, or due to an injury. Regardless of the underlying cause of the nose issue, rhinoplasty can correct these areas:

  • Nose which is too large or too small
  • Chin which is too large or too small
  • Humps or unwanted contours
  • Crooked nose
  • Bridge which is too wide or short
  • Bulky or droopy tip
  • Nostril size

Rhinoplasty can greatly boost self-confidence and improve self-esteem.

Some patients may choose rhinoplasty to correct a problem, deformity from injury, or to bring the face in symmetry.


The procedure is outpatient surgery that lasts about an hour or two. After your surgery, you should expect some bruising and swelling and may have black eyes.

You will see visible improvements after a week when the swelling goes down. Full visual results, however, can take up to a year to appear.


The post Scottsdale Rhinoplasty Nose Job Surgery appeared first on Somoseo Digital Marketing.


Sunday 8 October 2017

Google Pushes SSL Certificates for Web Pages

Google Emphasizes SSL Security Certificates for Websites

Recently Google has implemented a “secure” and “not secure” notice to its Chrome browser. For all web pages that require data input, an SSL Certificate (HTTPS) will show a “secure” notice. This was previously a requirement for shopping sites and stores that accepted credit cards. However, with increasing data breaches, SSL certificates are having a more significant role than ever before.

example of a secure website notice

Why is Google pushing SSL certificates?

HTTP web pages do not encrypt data, therefore leaving data exposed on public networks. (Such as Wi-Fi at coffee shops, libraries, and other public areas)

HTTPS, however, encrypts data so that it is not exposed in a recognizable manner. This has become increasingly important to Google but is really a protection necessary for the public at large. Of course, this will not stop data breaches but will help increase security for the typical user.


What is in Google’s future plans for HTTPS?

For years there have been rumors of Google using SSL as a ranking factor. While they have yet to define this as true it does make sense as they are trying to improve the user experience. Some may remember “Mobilegedden” back in 2015 when Google decided that websites that were not “mobile friendly“ dropped dramatically in search results causing thousands of businesses to lose traffic and therefore customers.


How do I get an SSL Certificate?

Obtaining an SSL certificate will depend on your hosting provider. Companies such as Dreamhost and SiteGround offer a free SSL certificate. Other companies such as GoDaddy may charge around $60 per year for an SSL certificate. This has made a huge difference in deciding where to host a website.

For assistance with this process, contact your web developer or call Somoseo Digital Marketing for a free consultation.


Monday 2 October 2017

Business Page Limited Offer

Limited Time Offer

Completely Done for You

Social Media Business Page

(A $49 value)

For ONLY $19 

I will Create or Optimize

Any company, Organization or Fan Page

on the platforms listed.

social media icons





Thursday 14 September 2017

Online Reputation Management

How to remove negative information from google?

Have you ever had an irate customer that seems to be having a bad day and decides to take it out on your company or organization? Online reviews and content can make or break your business these days. People are looking to places like Google, Yelp, and Amazon for reviews to see where they want to spend their money. Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to remove bad reviews and negative content from the internet. This is where reputation management comes into play. I must warn you that ORM is one of the most advanced and therefore expensive forms of SEO.

Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to completely remove bad reviews and negative content from the internet. This is where online reputation management (ORM) comes into play. You should know that ORM merely moves negative content down in ranks pushing it to later pages, it does not delete anything. So before you decide to hire an ORM professional, here are some ways to prevent or improve negative reviews and content.

  1. Monitor Your Brand – Most people see this as a mundane task that they simply do not have time for. However, there is a simple tool to monitor content that could save your reputation. And better yet it’s free and you may already have access to it. If you already have a Google account search for “alerts”, which allows you to receive a notification every time you get reviews or mentions your name or company name.
  2. Respond to Reviews –  Whether good or bad, responding to reviews shows that you care about the experience people have. In some cases, by promptly responding to reviews you have an opportunity to engage with the reviewer and diffuse a negative situation. Of course, if the review goes unanswered for a long period of time you may lose that opportunity.
  3. Ask for Customer Reviews – This should be done as soon as a customer buys your product or service. It is likely that this is the time when they are most excited. In that moment, capture that excitement and make the process as easy as possible.
  4. Incentivise Reviews – Another way to get reviews from previous and current customers is to provide incentives such as free prizes, information, or discounts. Give people a reason to re-energize with their experience and remember why they bought your product or service, to begin with.

Ok, some of you might be thinking, these are great tips but…  “I need help now not 6 months ago!”

My guess is if you are still reading this you are looking to squash some negative reviews or content. So here is what you need to know about the process of Online Reputation Management.

  • You can not (typically) remove information, but you can bury it under new and existing information.
  • This process is an advanced SEO strategy that is time-consuming and uses a plethora of resources, so it can be expensive and usually requires a non-refundable upfront payment.
  • This process will only work for minimal negative content. If you have a steady stream of bad reviews or your reputation has gone viral in the news, ORM will not help you.

In closing, online reputation management is not for everyone and cannot be done properly by just anyone. So consult with one or more ORM professionals before diving in.

To contact an Online Reputation Management Specialist click here.


Sunday 6 August 2017

Central Downtown SEO


Downtown Phoenix

Downtown Tempe

Downtown Gilbert

Old Town Scottsdale





Fountain Hills


North Scottsdale


Desert Ridge






Paradise Valley




El Mirage




Thursday 27 July 2017


Outsourcing and Business Service Resources

Content Creation

The following is a list of content providers that will customize original content for you. These are the services I have personally used and recommend.

**Please note: It is highly recommended to choose only the highest quality and experienced writers when ordering articles. Each article will additionally need to be proofread and optimized, however, it’s a good place to start.

This is a place to get articles both pre-written and custom created by writers of various levels of experience.

Another great source for premium articles and press releases



This service has a rating system designed to help you select an appropriate writer.







*Affiliate Notice: The links on this page are affiliate links. This means that if you decide to use theses services I will receive a small affiliate commission. However, I have personally used these services and from my experience, these are the best services available. I encourage you to do your own research and select services that fit your needs. The purpose of this list is to offer you some insight from my personal experience and save you time.


Worldwide SEO Services


Thursday 20 July 2017

Custom Web Design Package

Thank you for selecting the Custom Web Design Package. Click the “Buy Now” button below to get started.


Store Web Design Package

Thank you for selecting the Store Web Design Package. Click the “Buy Now” button below to get started.


Wednesday 28 June 2017

Advanced Analytics

Fight Click Fraud With Advanced Analytics

We fight click fraud with advanced analytics software. What is this and why should you care about trying to fix the issue? That’s what you’re going to find out here so you don’t waste money on clicks that come from scammers or people that are competing with you.Click-fraud

Click fraud is when competitors or others click your ads multiple times on purpose so it costs you money. This is fraud because it’s costing you quite a bit of money. Think about what would happen if you were spending 20% of your PPC ad budget on the fraud? You could re-allocate that money to your ad campaign if you could just block people that are doing this to you. Sometimes it’s someone that set up software to do multiple clicks. Either way, watching your site through analytics can show you what is going on and if fraud is happening.

We use software options that keep track of what is going on with your website. This software tracks the IPs of people that are clicking on your ads. We can then block or redirect clicks after a certain IP clicks on your PPC ads more than a couple of times in a certain time period.

You can not rely on the PPC ad service you’re using to block bad traffic. Click fraud is costly if you don’t pay attention to it. That’s why it’s such a good idea to fight click fraud with analytics. There are tons of people online at any given time so there is never any telling what kind of people will try this with your ads.



Social Media Consultant Phoenix

Why You Need The Best Social Media Consultant Phoenix Has To Offer

Everywhere you look, people are logging on and using social media sites. It has become one of the fundamental methods of communication between businesses and their target audience. Hiring the best social media consultant Phoenix has to offer would be in your best interest; here’s why.

This may sound insane, but making a minor social media mistake can turn into a PR nightmare. Once the public gets wind of a huge faux pas, it becomes difficult for them to forget. If you are not very familiar with social media sites, it is best to allow a professional to handle it on your behalf. This will ensure that all of the moves that are made will be the right ones.

If you have a severe lack of time, having the best social media consultant Phoenix has available wsocial-mediaill be really helpful. Instead of ignoring your audience and posting sporadically, someone else can handle this aspect of your business. They will post regularly and make sure that people don’t become so bored with your social media page that they look to the competition for more stimulation.


  • Using a social media site for a business is not the same as starting a personal account. While you tend to share all kinds of informal exchanges and anecdotes with friends when you typically log in, this is not the way that a professional account should be handled. Not only do you have to worry about the tone of the content, but oversharing is not something that will do your business any good.
  • When you begin to use social media as a marketing tool, it is wise to keep track of your results. This will help you identify which of your efforts are beneficial and which are not. This data can be used to tweak your plans in order to get a better result. A social media consultant will have metrics in place to gauge the success of their hard work.
  • When you are setting aside a marketing budget, make sure that you reserve some of your finances and use them to hire a consultant to handle your social media accounts. Having an expert run things for you means that you will have fresh content people will love and things like rookie mistakes and unprofessional content are not something you will have to be concerned about.

To speak with a social media consultant, contact us today. Thanks!


Instagram Marketing Specialist Phoenix

Finding an Instagram Marketing Specialist in Phoenix that Business Owners Trust

instagramIf you are trying to grow your business profile, then finding an Instagram marketing specialist in Phoenix business owners respect is perhaps the best way to get a leg up on the competition. While it’s true that online marketing is a global thing, there are some local differences in how consumers think and what they like to see on their social media feeds.

We are an Instagram marketing specialist Phoenix store owners have come to know and trust over the last few years and we have a wide range of experience and expertise because we have clients in so many different niches.

We take pride in getting to know our clients, and we will always do our best to learn as much about your industry as we can so that we can communicate with your current and prospective customers in the most authentic way.

  • Social media marketing is a complex thing because preferences and tastes change. You are fighting for a person’s attention not just versus other companies in your niche, but the dozens (or hundreds) of other people, content creators, and brands in their feed.
  • It takes consistent exposure to get someone to remember a brand, let alone choose to buy from them, and that means you will need a sound content marketing plan. You can’t just expect that someone will buy from you after a post or two.
  • Advertising on Instagram can be expensive compared to some of the other content sites, too – and if you want to get the best results you will need to run a campaign that lasts for several months, rather than one that runs for just a few days or weeks.

A good internet marketing specialist will help you with that sort of thing – showing you what demographics to target and planning a campaign that will fit within your budget. Setting up a campaign on a smaller budget can be hard, but if you get the targeting right, and use compelling content, then you can get results without spending a fortune. It makes sense to take advantage of our expertise in this area, so that you can use your ad budget in the most efficient way, and free up your time as well to focus on the parts of your business that you know the best. So, give us a call today to see what we can do to grow your brand.
