Thursday 14 September 2017

Online Reputation Management

How to remove negative information from google?

Have you ever had an irate customer that seems to be having a bad day and decides to take it out on your company or organization? Online reviews and content can make or break your business these days. People are looking to places like Google, Yelp, and Amazon for reviews to see where they want to spend their money. Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to remove bad reviews and negative content from the internet. This is where reputation management comes into play. I must warn you that ORM is one of the most advanced and therefore expensive forms of SEO.

Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to completely remove bad reviews and negative content from the internet. This is where online reputation management (ORM) comes into play. You should know that ORM merely moves negative content down in ranks pushing it to later pages, it does not delete anything. So before you decide to hire an ORM professional, here are some ways to prevent or improve negative reviews and content.

  1. Monitor Your Brand – Most people see this as a mundane task that they simply do not have time for. However, there is a simple tool to monitor content that could save your reputation. And better yet it’s free and you may already have access to it. If you already have a Google account search for “alerts”, which allows you to receive a notification every time you get reviews or mentions your name or company name.
  2. Respond to Reviews –  Whether good or bad, responding to reviews shows that you care about the experience people have. In some cases, by promptly responding to reviews you have an opportunity to engage with the reviewer and diffuse a negative situation. Of course, if the review goes unanswered for a long period of time you may lose that opportunity.
  3. Ask for Customer Reviews – This should be done as soon as a customer buys your product or service. It is likely that this is the time when they are most excited. In that moment, capture that excitement and make the process as easy as possible.
  4. Incentivise Reviews – Another way to get reviews from previous and current customers is to provide incentives such as free prizes, information, or discounts. Give people a reason to re-energize with their experience and remember why they bought your product or service, to begin with.

Ok, some of you might be thinking, these are great tips but…  “I need help now not 6 months ago!”

My guess is if you are still reading this you are looking to squash some negative reviews or content. So here is what you need to know about the process of Online Reputation Management.

  • You can not (typically) remove information, but you can bury it under new and existing information.
  • This process is an advanced SEO strategy that is time-consuming and uses a plethora of resources, so it can be expensive and usually requires a non-refundable upfront payment.
  • This process will only work for minimal negative content. If you have a steady stream of bad reviews or your reputation has gone viral in the news, ORM will not help you.

In closing, online reputation management is not for everyone and cannot be done properly by just anyone. So consult with one or more ORM professionals before diving in.

To contact an Online Reputation Management Specialist click here.
